3 Books Every Actor Should Read

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I’ve always loved books. As a kid, I was a voracious reader and never went anywhere without a book in tow. As I've gotten older, I’ve added a love for audiobooks to my reading repertoire. Let’s be honest, the multitasking power of an audiobook was super appealing to this Type-A creative.

I’m not a huge re-reader, but every now and then I come across a book that really has an impact. Each of the following books in this post I've read at least 3 times, so you know that they're both inspiring and chalk full of value.

Get them using the links below, from your local bookshop, or from the library. Read (or listen) to them at your own pace. How you consume them is entirely up to you. I hope get as much value out of them as I have.


#1 - Self Management for Actors by Bonnie Gillespie


Written by casting director and former actor Bonnie Gillespie, this book is a gold mine for an actor who's ready to take control of their own career. True to its title, this book gives you all the tools and guidance you need to be your own manager and stop waiting for a gatekeeper to give you the green light to perform.

When I first got Self Management for Actors, I referenced it so much that I completely destroyed the spine within 2 years. But I couldn't get rid of my original, it was full of notes and highlighted section and VALUE! So you can be I hole punched every single page of that book, stuck it in a binder, and still have it to this day.

Though some of the content is now dated - the latest edition was released in 2014, and this industry changes fast - the vast majority of the advice and wisdom within the book is invaluable. This is a must have for every actor, no matter where you are in your career.


#2 - Chillpreneur by Denise Duffield-Thomas


Whether you want to believe it or not, as an actor, you're running your own small business. Not only are you the CEO, but you're also the product! That's a lot of pressure, and can feel daunting at times. Which is why it's so important for actors to have strong business mindset.

Chillpreneur, written by the incredibly money mindset coach Denise Duffield-Thomas, is a breath of fresh air compared to other business books I've read. Though the book is directed at an audience of female entrepreneurs, there are a ton of lessons for us actorpreneurs too.

Tip: I highly recommend the audiobook version. Her energy and passion really shine through, and her Aussie accent is the best!


#3 - The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron


Living a creative life isn't always easy. Sometimes life gets in the way. Sometimes we feel blocked. Sometimes the weight of the world is just too much and it seems easier to just put the art away.

Whenever I feel like I need a creative reset, I always turn to Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way. Through her 12 week guided program (all contained within the book), I'm able to reconnect with my inner child and rediscover the play and joy that acting and creating bring. I know it will do the same for you.

Tip: We occasionally run live facilitated sessions of the The Artist's Way within Your Creative Life, our creative community for multi-passionate actors and storytellers. If you want to be notified the next time we run The Artist's Way, leave your email below!

Hey, I’m Corrie! I’m an actor, voiceover artist, and creative productivity coach. I love sharing what I know to help my fellow creatives and entrepreneurs. If you’d like more content like this, subscribe to my newsletter below.


P.S. Need extra help and accountability with your goals? Book a 15min Chemistry Read chat with me here!

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As a productivity coach for creatives, Corrie helps multi-passionate actors take control over their dreams and build thriving creative careers without sacrificing the holistically fulfilled life they deserve.


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