3 Books Every Actor Should Read
I’ve always loved books. As a kid, I was a voracious reader and never went anywhere without a book in tow. As I've gotten older, I’ve added a love for audiobooks to my reading repertoire. Let’s be honest, the multitasking power of an audiobook was super appealing to this Type-A creative.
I’m not a huge re-reader, but every now and then I come across a book that really has an impact. Each of the following books in this post I've read at least 3 times, so you know that they're both inspiring and chalk full of value.
How to Plan a Productive Week (Without Sacrificing Flexibility)
Let's face it. As actors, our schedules can drastically change from week to week, and even day to day. Not only do we not have regular, repeatable weekly schedules, but we often have last minute opportunities or strikes of inspirations that arise that we need to accommodate.
Filling the Journal
I used to have shelves full of journals and diaries with only the first few pages filled. See, I always loved the concept of keeping a daily journal, but often fell short in the actual execution. I would write daily for a few days, weeks, maybe even months. But, inevitably, life would eventually get in the way of my new journaling habit.